Wednesday 7 October 2015

Well, day two and we're all still here! Whoop Whoop - Go Us!

Today is a day of enforced positives. I'm not sure if that really makes sense, but it's my way of saying I simply have to find the positives because there is something very negative happening today. I am selling my car. I know, I know, it doesn't sound like much at all, but having a car gives a certain feeling of independence, even if I don't leave the house very often to use it. I don't think I have been without my own car since, oooh the early 80s. 

Now, though, it's got to go. I added up the costs and a concervative estimate was about £900 a year! So, I've also worked out that equals £17.31 a week on bus fares. Like that's ever going to happen!

Okay, the positives. There is always a positive side to everything, alledgedly. I would probably disagree with that, but then go find me a depressive that wouldn't! Anyway, now I no longer have to stress out about parking, getting in and out of the vehicle. No worries about getting wet and stinky feet on the garage forecourt - petrol tank has a leak. I can get my hair washed on the way to the bus stop - yes, it poured down! And just think of all the weight I'll lose! Hmmm, good luck with that one.

I went out last night, used cute husband's car. I belong to a self-help group for people with depression but hadn't been along for ages. In fact, I think that last night was only the second time this year. They were lovely though and made me feel very welcome. I really don't know why I don't go more often, it does me such a lot of good to talk with them. But then, I don't know why I don't do a lot of things. I said I was going to go out and walk with the dog more. Well, that happened once. I think it's the whole 'going out' thing that I want nothing to do with. I think I'll just stay here, and hide when the postman comes. And don't get me started on the window cleaner. Don't get me wrong, he's a lovely lad, but I still sit on th stairs (no windows there) and do my best to sit on the dog (tooo loud)

For anyone who's reading my entries (I have not idea how you found me!) I'm gradually learning a bit more about the look/layout of this page/site/thingy, so I hope to be able to improve the overall look of the thing soon.

Right, I may pop back later when the auction for my car finishes. I'm warning you there may be tears!

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