Friday 16 October 2015

I saw a good quote this morning:

Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult.
You may be given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it.

I am just loving the cactus analogy! A coping strategy which I frequently employ is to find a positive in something that I am having to go and do, when really I don't want to do it. Sometimes it's been possible to take my dog with me. She's a comfort blanket for me. Very often it used to be that I would be driving my car to get there. Can't do that any more, it gets picked up tomorrow :( but we won't go there again, eh?

The point I'm not too successfully making is that if you can find something positive in a situation, you have something to focus on or something to look forward to. I find this works wonders for me.

This evening my choir have a full concert, and my cute husband is coming to hear us for the first time. There are two songs that I am a little shaky on the words. We are performing in the church that my Grandpa was a churchwarden in for 49 years. I haven't been back there since his funeral. So emotions are running a little high! Now I am not religious at all, I'm atheist. But I know that walking in and just smelling that smell... I shall feel 10 years old again! Anyway, I digress, my positive in this will be to focus on the one or two songs that I really like, and enjoy them. Then afterwards, ch and I will come home and there is the rugby to look forward to on Saturday afternoon.

I don't know whether I can copy a link here, but I'll have a go. This is my choir singing; the men are singing I Believe and the ladies are singing Ave Maria. I love it and I really hope you do to:

I hope that works, I'm not very good at this lark. Let me know what you think, won't you?

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