Saturday 10 October 2015

Almost like being a teenager again? Really? Well, no, not in a good way anyway. I haven't stayed up all night and then gone to bed at 7am since I was a teenager. Reality, the reason was that we took one of my family into the Emergency room last night and were there for seven and a half hours... words fail me... sense of humour almost failed me...

We arrived there bout half ten and she was having observations every couple of hours, having fallen and hit her head earlier in the day. If I'd had prior knowledge that I was to go and sit in a waiting room for that long, well let's just say I'm glad it didn't know, it all came as a glorious surprise! Don't get me wrong, I wasn't lonely, I had plenty of company. My cute husband had gone with her thru to the 'other side' for treatment and I was in the waiting room under a pile of coats and handbags. I was in the right place - I had the drinks machines, Ha! I also had a friendly drunk who wanted to talk to everyone (couldn't understand most of what he slurred) a handful of police with a crim in cuffs, and an over-friendly daddy-long-legs. I was coping well with all but the big-leggy thing who kept flying at my head. The place had been like an oven when we arrived,  but working out how to get the windows open had this very shuddery drawback, uuurgh! Makes my scalp itch just typing about it. (pauses to scratch).

My way of coping was to bury my head in my phone playing solitaire, that way folks pretty much left me alone. My phone is old and lacks the capacity for more games or music, so solitaire it was! I felt it best to stop when my battery got to 20%, just in case I might need to use is as, well, as a phone. So I tried watching the tv in the corner. I can state categorically that there is nothing on the tv in the early hours to warrant staying up for! Happy drunk was now chatting to me on a regular basis. Escape to the toilet was temporary, he wanted to know if I was 'awrritte' as soon as I emerged again. Could have been worse, at least he was happy. I think he and his wife were frequent flyers there, they were being allowed to sleep it off on the chairs for a good few hours before they were seen.

Two bottles of water and a Kit Kat later (a veritable feast) they finally said she was okay to go home. I still can't believe we were there that long, it was getting flippin daylight at 7am when I was pulling our bedroom curtains to go to sleep. The cute husband lost a day at work, but he has to not work about a week each school term as their contract does not provide work for the full term. So at least that's not too bad. Now though my stomach says it's lunch time, and it's almost time for bed! It's like being a shift worker again!

My lovely car is still outside. The chap isn't coming until next Saturday for it now. I wonder if I can put a photo in here? I'll have a go... hang on... talk amongst yourselves for a minute...

So that's what it looks like. I am chuffed to bits that the chap buying it has a fuel tank ready to fit on it. Still gutted to be losing it tho :( I wonder where the heck he got the tank from, I search all over the place. It's 18yrs old and eee they don't make em like that any more!
So I shall have to continue to see it as a constant reminder of my financial state, for another week :'(

My mood? It's only been the latter part of today that I've kind of got in touch with how I'm feeling. You know that thing where, when something urgent happens you kind of shut your own emotions in a box to be able deal with the emergency? That leads to all sorts of adrenalin charged emotions, it's very draining. So as well as being up so late (or early!!) there is a lot more involved from an emotional perspective. Plus, I take all my meds at night, and so I was 8hrs late taking them. The only one I was particularly concerned about was the lithium, as it can cause nausea and other nasties if it's withdrawn suddenly. If I'd had any sense I'd have slugged a couple down at 10pm when the family member first rang us. But it's not something you think about at a time like that, is it.

I am wondering whether I'm  doing this blog right. Should I be typing it in this part, I mean, shouldn't I be able to add things like photos as I go along? All this is very new to me, so if anyone knows the answer to this, please tell me!

I think I am rambling along with only myself for company. I don't understand the part about how to get your blog seen. Even when I search for it myself I can't find it, and I know what it's called!! Who to ask? I have no clue.

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