Saturday 10 October 2015

Okay, well I've transferred the first three entries from a previous blogging site that I started a week ago. This place seems a whole lot better :) I think you're able to add comments to my entries, so please tell me what you think. I have no real idea what I'm doing. Please don't be too negative though, I shall cry. Then I won't see straight, then I'll spill my drink, then I'll short out the electrics, then I'll start a fire and we'll all be homeless. So please, be gentle.

Although today is Saturday I have the place to myself today. The cute husband is on a course every Sat for a while. It's so quiet. I'm trying not to beat myself up about the lack of cleaning that I'm doing. My back is bad and the arthritis in my right hand/wrist makes it hard to grip things. So I've waved the hoover about a bit downstairs and it looks a bit cleaner now. Well, it does if you kind of squint a bit. I have one of the cats for company (I have 2) but she'd rather sleep.

Lately I have pretty much resisted the temptation to go back to my bed during the daytime. I did sleep about an hour a couple of days ago, but that turned out to be most fortuitous as it was later that night we went down to accident and emergency with a family member. Boy was I glad I'd had a little sleep during the daytime then!

I guess I am going out of the house a bit more these days. There's a mindfulness course weekly, and a women's group weekly. Not too sure what the latter is all about yet. I even went to the self-help depression group this week. Am positively painting the town red. Well, a wishy-washy sort of pink anyway.

My husband bought me a t-shirt the other day. He knew I would love it, but they didn't have my size. He bought it anyway; it's two or three sizes too small. Think 'red marshmallow with fun cushions' and you're about there. I've never liked a neckline right up to my throat, you know what I mean, a rounded t-shirt neck. So I thought I'd cut it out and make it a sort of scoop neckline. I think it's called a boatneck. If that's correct, then I think mine's sprung a leak! I've cut it far too big and it's falling off both shoulders - oops! It definitely takes your eye away from the tummy though!! You'll be wondering why I'm wittering on about this. Well, some time ago this whole failure of cutting the neckline would really have gotten to me. I know I would have thrown it down believing I was a failure and had ruined it. There would have been tears (and we all know where that would have lead!) and it would have put me in a very low mood. So now it's showing me just how far I have come, that I am able to deal with something not turning out the way I  had planned, and not see it as a disaster. Big plus point.

It all comes back to the little steps. One little step forwards does not seem like very much at all on its own, but seen with all the other little steps that have been achieved over the weeks, it is fabulous. Sometimes there will be one step backwards, that's okay too. Overall the direction of movement is positive, it is forwards.

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