Sunday 1 November 2015

Walking and walking

Feeling awful sad today. Bit pathetic, but it's because my car has finally gone. It's the loss of independence really. Reality was that I rarely used it. But it was there, I could have gone out if I'd wished. With all that's wrong in life, it's a pathetic whine, but still it makes me feel sad. It's also the last time I'll have a sporty car, financial reasons say that any future model will be economical. This one wasn't any of that, it had a throaty roar and I loved it.

It's done now, lovely lad bought it and is going to fix it up, so that's good to know. Onwards and upwards, isn't that what they say?

Otherwise, today's been okay so far. Glad to have ch  home and not having to go anywhere. I am going to go out this evening - yay - go me. I have a practice night every Sunday, and I didn't go last week. People have been shot for less. So tonight I'm going, even though, predictably, I'd rather stay at home. Practice only lasts 2 hours, so I'll be home again in under 3 hours. Find the positive? Dunno, ask me again later.

So where are you from? My stats map says that most of you are in America, with quite a lot in Portugal. Amazing. Depression does not care who's bum it bites, or where they live, 'eh?

Speaking of going out. Big decision to be made soon. ch is away at a conference next weekend and I'm due to go too. It's only one night away, and I'm left to myself for the one day to be a tourist. This means staying somewhere new, being up early for a dining room breakfast, all day on my own shopping and wandering around (not much money = not much shopping). Everything I wear shows that I'm fat. The alternative is two days alone at home. I'm thinking if I can find clothes that don't beat my self confidence into submission, then I might go along. I could stay in the room with a book if I can't do the whole wandering about thing. I have arthritis that pains my feet and one knee, so a lot of walking isn't a good idea anyway. See? I'm already finding reasons not to go. Watch this space.

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