Monday 2 November 2015

Last mindfulness, noise hurts and let me sleep

I attended the last session of my mindfulness course this morning. It's been interesting, but I haven't really committed to it enough. I did a little practice during the week, but I'm told that to gain the benefit of it I should practice daily. This does not happen when my mood is so low, but I will try to do it on other days.

Although I didn't do very much at all over the weekend, I am really tired today. It's from the adrenaline I think. We went up to family because one of my granddaughters was home from uni for the weekend. It was lovely to see her, but I didn't cope well with the noise etc. Noise seems to hurt when it's too loud, does that sound crazy?

Did a little craft work last night, first time in weeks. It seemed as though everything went wrong when I tried previously. Everything looked to me as if a 5 yr old had made it, and then that would send me even lower.

I really need to sleep now, even though it's only 2pm. I've heard that most people with depression don't sleep much and have difficulty getting to sleep, but I'm constantly tired. I can sleep for a few hours in the day and still go to sleep at night. How does your sleep pattern affect you?

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