Wednesday 4 November 2015

Deflated and undecided.

Not a very good day today. Everything is collapsing in on me. You know when you've inflated something and then it slowly deflates? That's me today. Am so tired also. I slept most of the day up to about 3pm.

Anxiety is high, have to go out in the morning. When I know I'm going to have to go out I make other appointments the same day, because that gets it all over in one day. So I've made a time to have my hair cut straight after the morning group. I  really don't want to go to either of them, but if I'm going away overnight with ch on the weekend, I'll have to get my hair cut. I look like wild woman at the moment. The urge to cancel all of it is so strong. Just stay here on my own. I'd save money (we're on cutbacks) and not have the worry about how my knee hurts. I look like an old woman trying to walk. Not good.

So. Two choices:
1. Attend both appointments and go away overnight.
2. Don't.

Okay, so there is middle ground there, but essentially that's the choices. I want to switch off and go to my bed. I have no idea what to do and I'm starting not to care.

ch came home from work for a while before he had to go out again, and I think he's cross with me about something. No idea what tho. We never argue. That's another for the anxiety list then.

Why am I even here? Today I have no clue. I haven't eaten much today, maybe that's contributed to my low mood.

Check the bunny. She's still there.

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