Wednesday 22 June 2016

What's that funny smell?

Ah yes, fresh air! That'll be it!

Yes I went out today. And yesterday. Whoa, I'll be giddy soon. I think that's been pretty much the longest that I've stayed in the house for quite a while. The longer I stay home, the harder it becomes to go out.

I had already committed myself to going out yesterday, only into the village where the ch needed to get to the bank. When we got there I very nearly stayed in the car, but I'm so pleased to say I walked with him. Even went for a little look around in the charity shop next door. That was a bit of a disaster financially as I only discovered when I arrived back home that I had change from £5... but I'd given a £10 note. Economical purchase just became not so economical! I can't afford to just lose £5, but am not going back. I know my limits, and challenging shop staff in not yet within my remit!

Today my mental health worker E took me to a craft group. I used to go to this one quite a long time ago, but then E had a meeting scheduled every Weds and could no longer take me. It's only for a couple of hours. I remembered a couple of the ladies there, so that helped. Most of them crochet or knit but I'm mostly card craft. I took materials to make some gift tags, but also took my adult colouring book in case I felt unable to concentrate enough to make anything. I made one tag, which I wasn't particularly pleased with, but I guess that wasn't really the point. I went out, I went into a group that I hardly knew and I stayed and chatted with them. That's a big achievement, for me anyway. My most in-depth conversations usually are with the kitten! Mind you, she does purr a lot at me and that's very therapeutic as well!

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