Sunday 26 June 2016

Not today thank you.

I was invited to go to a retreat/mindfulness day today. The ch was already booked to go, and he asked if I'd like to go along too. I've done an 8 week course in mindfulness (one day a week) and I knew it would be a beneficial thing for me to do. There was to be yoga too. It was only for four hours. No surprises then when I say I didn't go. It was to be a silent retreat for the most part. As I'm someone who doesn't like talking to people, it would have been a fab opportunity to socialise a little while not having to talk very much either.

Yep, I am a little cross with myself for not going. I did what felt right for me, and that's all I can do. Putting pressure on myself to go to the retreat would only have stressed me more. Instead I have gotten a few things done at home, done a little reading and furminated the dog. Excellent!

What's furminating the dog, I hear you cry? It's a little tool, much like a razor. You use it on the dog's fur and it is designed to only remove the finer undercoat of the dog's fur. Summer's just around the corner (we hope!) and the dog is shedding her winter coat all over the house. And I do mean ALL over the house! It seems like five minutes after I hoover there's dog hair everywhere again. I do it outdoors. I'm pretty sure the neighbours are mystified as to where all these little clouds of fluffiness are coming from. I just flies up into the air all over the place, so I have to check no-one's has any washing out on the line first. They'd take the dry laundry back in and it would be furry!

I know I'm focusing on the failures, but I didn't go on the walk on friday either. My mental health worker set it up locally just for me (all the other activities are a little way from me and hard to get to) I could use the excuse that the weather wasn't fab, but it wasn't raining at the starting time.

Focus on the positives? Yeah, yeah, I know. I can't help it, I guess it's something I need to work on.
Just came across this, seems to fit perfectly.

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